Fish Basics: The Beginner’s Guide to Cooking Fish
The best time to buy fresh seafood is on sale day; this means you get the freshest possible product with all its natural juices intact. However, as soon as you open the bag, the quality starts to drop off, so don’t expect too much from your first purchase!
When buying frozen seafood make sure it’s been defrosted properly. It needs to thaw completely before being used. This usually takes about 24 hours. Don’t rush things though – remember that once defrosted, any remaining ice crystals may cause the seafood to become mushy.
If you’re planning to grill some seafood, choose firm varieties like swordfish, halibut, cod, etc., rather than flaky ones such as scallops, squid, or calamari. They won’t hold together well on the barbecue.
Fish is one food that doesn’t need prepping beforehand. Simply place it onto a plate, cover loosely with cling film and leave until needed. Once ready, remove the clingfilm and pat dry using kitchen paper.
To keep fish moist, brush lightly over the top with oil or melted butter while cooking. Alternatively, sprinkle with lemon juice or balsamic vinegar towards the end of cooking.…